Slatina ‘Mammoth’, Sequoia Gigantea and Sequoia Slatina EPIcentre

Unexpectedly Impressive
Entirely unexpected, a guest from California, a Sequoia gigantea, found its home back in 1890 in Slatina. The giant sequoia, as a species, belongs among the tallest trees in the world. The proud sequoia in Slatina, 32.5 metres high, is protected as a natural monument and is the only protected species of its kind in Croatia. With its 133 years, it belongs to the oldest sequoias in Europe. It is this guest from another continent that encouraged the development of new things in the surroundings. Along the tree, in the newly created park with a children’s playground and gazebo, the EPIcentar Sequoia Slatina developed, which in an innovative way reveals much interesting information on giant sequoias. Refurbishment of a hostel (32 beds), souvenir shop, restaurant and gazebo/observatory is under way. In 2021, the Slatina sequoia was declared the Croatian Tree of the Year.